
Solidity, Defi ,DAO, ERC20, ERC721, Web3.js, Ehters.js ,ChainLink , IPFS

In Defi project I have used aave protocol
First I have convert my ethers to ERC20 enable coin which is weth
I have deposite weth as collateral in aave protocol smartcontract
I have borrow DAI token for performing some operation like sending from on address to another
I have used chainlink implemeation for finding actual price of DAI token

NFT market place
User are allow to create NFT and give custody to NFT market place like middle person for managing transaction
I have use IPFS(Interplanetary File System) for storing digital asset
All the transaction are performed using Metamask wallet


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Vistaar Technology

01-01-2019 / Till Now Senior Software Engineer